24Hpoker holder d. 27 jan. kl 20.00 en freeroll hvor vinderen får en Ipod. Freerollen er kun for dem som er signet op igennem, en partnerside (som f.eks bonustip) hvilket umiddelbart skulle give god value i turneringen
Vær dog opmærksom på at for at få password skal man minimum indskyde €15 og optjene 30 VIP points.
"Do you like listening to music and playing poker?
If you answered yes at least on one count then you could be the lucky winner to dance away with a 24hPoker branded Ipod!
That’s right.. an ipod is up for grabs in a Freeroll tournament that is open exclusively to players tagged to our affiliate partners which have not yet made their first deposit.
To claim your ticket to this freeroll simply deposit €15 in your player account and obtain 30 VIP points by the 26th of January 12:00hrs CET.
The Tournament is scheduled on the 27th January @ 20:00 hrs CET. Name of Tournament: Win the iPod Exclusive Tournament ! Registration opens on the 26th January @ 20:00 hrs
We will send you a quick reminder before the tournament to let you know that a ticket with password is in your account"