Superweekend i Tallinn 5 pakker til Superweekend i Tallinn i januar (værdi 4850 kr. pr pakke) til de fem bedste spillere i aftenens €6,60 Poker Freezeout-turnering! Starttidspunkt 19:30. ***************************************-*************** Bet24 : 50% tilbagebetaling hvis dit hold taber.
Sportsbetting : sats præcis 100 kr. på en Uefa Cup kamp i aften (1x2, ikke handicapspil), hvis dit hold taber får du 50 kr. tilbage. Ender kampen uafgjort taber du væddemålet
Tournament Name: 18th Day of Christmas - $750 Freeroll! Date & Time: Thursday 18th December, 20:30 (UK) Entry Requirement: 1 Raked Hand in previous 30 days (Prizepool guaranteed at $750) Rebuys/Addons: Unlimited $1 Rebuys 1st hour, plus addon.
<><><>Betingelse for deltagelse : Prizes are announced on the day of the tournament. Registration opens 3 hours prior to start, first come, first served. Qualifying requirements: 1 raked hand in the previous 24 hours prior to each tournament start time.
For the last matches in the UEFA Cup’s group phase myBet is giving you a 10% bonus on the winnings of your combined bets. Make your account jingle with joy by placing 10er-combination sport bets and collecting the 10% bonus on your winnings. The 10% bonus will be automatically granted to your betting account. *********************************************************